012 809 1062 info@fipm.co.za

Insurance Products

Commercial and Corporate Insurance

Commercial and Corporate Insurance protects your business against potential loss caused due to unforeseen circumstances.

First International Portfolio Managers are experts in commercial and corporate insurance. Providing you with comprehensive cover through understanding your unique insurance needs. Making sure you are aware of all the risks involved and properly insured against them. 

We provide our clients with competitive quotes from reputable companies and consult on which option is best suited to their needs. 

Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance cover protects you and your business from anything that it can be sued or held legally liable for.

Liability Insurance Policies need to cover both legal costs and pay-outs for which the individual or business can be responsible if found legally liable. 

These include Personal Liability, Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, Commercial Crime, Cyber Crime, Directors & Officers Insurance. 

Other specialist liability insurances such as kidnap and ransom, products liability, products inefficacy, products guarantee, aviation liability and more.

Home Insurance

Home refers to the building or dwelling meaning your private residence and its domestic outbuildings. 

This Includes: 

  • Fixtures and Fittings
  • Telephone Connections 
  • Paths, Driveways, Walls, Gates and Fences
  • Swimming Pools and Pool Filtration Pumps
  • Tennis Courts 
  • Sauna


Home Contents

Insurance to cover the possessions inside your home. 

This type of insurance will cover things like:

  • Furniture 
  • Clothing
  • Electronic Equipment
  • Rugs 
  • Curtains
  • Removable Mirrors
  • Paintings 

Vehicle Insurance

Vehicle insurance should always reflect the unique way you use your wheels.

Your vehicle is an integral part of your life and livelihood, we make sure that your vehicle is properly covered and insured according to your unique needs.

Be it your first student jalopy or your dream SUV, talk to us to get the right cover for your vehicle.

Valuables Insurance

Cover for personal possessions belonging to you or a member of your household.

We don’t keep all our valuables in our homes at all times.

Make sure you are covered should anything happen to your valuables outside your home.

 This Includes Valuables such as:

  • Clothing & Jewellery
  • Laptops & Cell phones 
  • Cameras
  • Sporting Equipment
  • Travel Luggage  

First International


012 809 1062



Unit B,
Datakey Business Park
210 Monument Road
Kempton Park